Never Get Stuck On My Past, Whatever That Past Maybe...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

.:. we must NEVER get stuck on the past...whatever that past maybe :) .:.

I'm looking back to myself... Linda when she was 10 years old... the happy kid surrounded with a full of affection... then.. Linda when she was 17 years old, decides to be a nice girl that will NOT hurt anybody's heart.... then.. last year, Linda when she was 20 years old... wandering here and there, looking for the true love ..... then now, at this moment... I see the different person!!
Thanks to Allah... I'm so happy to believe that as the time goes by, this different person becomes a better person Day by day, year by year :) Its about Brain (becoming a smart girl ), dreams, smiles, emotions, friendship & love and experiences...all these things that create the perception we have in our small minds about our world, from the simplest thing to the most complicated one....

Of course, bad times and some sad feelings will always come up to our lives. But its just a part of the game There will be times we will feel lonely, times that we shall miss someone, times that bad things will occur... and again, we have to be strong, smile even then, go through it, and become stronger and continue to live and going after our dream So we learn and go on ....

through the experiences of our past -good and bad- we must try to fix at the present, and when we fix it at the present, the future will follow as well :)
we must NEVER get stuck on the past...whatever that past maybe
Life ALWAYS goes on, and if we think positive and smile, we shall discover that this life is full of wonderful surprises. If we get stuck in the past, we dont enjoy the present and thus, we dont enjoy every moment of our life...

even through the bad experiences in life, we learn so many things!!! Everything in life is an omen, everything happens for a reason, and what ever you do, you will always get it back, one way or another, you do good, you will receive good, you do bad, you will receive bad
Plus, theres a balance in what you give and what you receive.

Thats all what i want to write....
its really my advise too....
i have to remember it all... all along time in my life...
to be a strong girl and stand tall... through the good or bad moments...

Peace on earth!!!
Lots of love.... LINDA

davi's Memories flew at [2:22:00 PM]


Friday, November 17, 2006


Hari paling membahagiakan itu tiba kalo kita dah bersama orang-orang yang kita kangenin...
Ikbal bilang gini "Lin... lo kemana aja sih, dihubungin hp lo gak aktif, gue ulang tahun nggak dikasih selamet, tega lo ya .... waktu liburan semester lo kemana?? kok gak ada dirumah"..
terus Lina bilang "Linda emang anaknya gitu ... suka ngilang gak jelas..."....

Hahaha... ternyata pada kangen juga tuh anak ma gue...
Bukannya gue yang ngilang..... tapi nomer hp semua orang emang pada ilang, jadi gak tau mesti hubungin kemana....

Pas waktu ulang tahun si ikbal, gue gak akan pernah lupa... soalnya bertepatan sama hari runtuhnya WTC.... 11 September (nggak kurang sial nih tanggal?????)... setiap di TV ada berita peringatan runtuhnya WTC, langsung deh inget ikbal... disaat semua orang memperingati kematian, dia memperingati kelahiran... hehehe....

so.... kmrn kita ceritanya dah buka puasa bareng di Rice-Bowl Kelapa gading...
ada Irwansyah+aca, Tangga, VJ Daniel... dll..

Jam-jam melewati waktu bersama kalian tuh seperti hanya 1 menit berlalu...
Indahnya kalo setiap hari kita bisa ketemu n jalan bareng kayak dulu waktu SMU...

Foto ini buat gue pandangin terus kalo gue kangen
Take care there my friends....

As we go on.... Come Whatever.....
We Will Still Be..... FRIENDS FOREVER....

davi's Memories flew at [2:35:00 PM]


"oh, How I'd love to travel back in time and seek those youthful memory of ours.".



It's all about ME!

Being LINDA is being ME
I am a GIRL, who love PEACE and hate WAR

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around the world adventure




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I'll never forget.

The gifs, images and the whole layout is made by -EminA-
But of course, they wouldn't be there if it weren't for the sources. ^-^
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